Wednesday, June 13, 2007

amy's ...mmmm

Since moving up here to the beautiful Pacific Northwest, I have falling in love with Amy's Burritos (the non-dairy ones).

They are amazing and simply delicious. Easy to cook up in the ole microwave - and greatly satisfying.

Funny thing is Amy's is based in Petaluma, CA. Not up here in Oregon. But I never came across their products in California. Not until my old man and I went veggie and explored the "health food" aisle in the grocery stores up here did we know about the yummy products from Amy's.

I just had one of these burritos, so this is why my first blog entry speaks of that mix of whole wheat and pinto bean goodness that is the Amy's non-dairy burrito.

So thank you, Amy's. I have yet to grow tired of your fine product. And the folks at Amy's even have a blog:

(old man enjoys the ' looks on)

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