Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Chocolate Porter Cupcakes

These are an adaptation of an adaptation.

I recently came across everybody likes sandwiches blog on red ale and chocolate cake which is an adaptation of Nigella Lawson's Guinness Chocolate Cake.

I didn't have Guinness or red ale in the house - but I did have the happy medium: Porter! And not just any porter, but Oregon's own Deschutes Brewery's Black Butte Porter. I had to try it out. Tis the season for chocolate, as you know.

Cupcakes are a lot more fun than cake and bake more quickly - which I find is crucial with a sudden chocolate craving.

"Must have chocolate, now!"

Basically I stuck to the Nigella recipe just subbed the porter for the Guinness. I also skipped on the frosting since we didn't have any cream cheese in the house. But I will definitely try these again with the frosting. These little guys were delicious on their own, but they could use a bit of sweet, dense cream on top. Just like a good pint.

Yummy and moist with a great tangy twist.

Pair with a game of Scrabble and your best buddy ;)

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